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Chard deNiord
Poet Laureate of Vermont (2015-2019)

The Gift
From Interstate, University of Pittsburgh Press
In memory of Ruth Stone (June 8th, 1915—November 19th, 2011)
“All I did was write them down
wherever I was at the time, hanging
laundry, baking bread, driving to Illinois...

Grouse Call
From Interstate, University of Pittsburgh Press
Do si do and say hello
to drummin’ bird. Slow
it down then pick it up...

To Hear and Hear
From Night Mowing, University of Pittsburgh Press
The hermit thrush is set for six
to sing her song, as if it were
the end of the world and she was stirred...
This Ecstacy
From The Double Truth, University of Pittsburgh Press
It’s not paradise I’m looking for
but the naming I hardly gave a thought to.
Call it the gift I carried in my loneliness
beneath the overstory before I started
listening to the news...
From Best American Poetry
"What century have we got out there, my dears?"
-Boris Pasternak
This was the life, to live in Russia
at the end of Russia and write about its history...
What the Animals Teach Us
From The Pushcart Prize
that love is dependent on memory,
that life is eternal and therefore criminal,
that thought is an invisible veil that covers our eyes...
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